The overall objective of CMC Multirater Survey
Assessments is to assess leadership capabilities as a means to improve
individual performance and group teamwork. Our flexible Compass Plus™ assessment tool
will identify specific performance strengths and developmental needs for
both individuals and the organization.
The process is easy, fast, streamlined and
It can be customized to your requirements. For example, it
can include open-ended as well as closed-ended questions, and
accommodate any number of respondent groups. And we can provide a
variety of group reports based on aggregate results for organizational
units or demographic variables.
It takes about twenty-five minutes to complete (approximately
thirty to forty questions. with observable behaviors linked to
competencies). This is typically less than half the time it takes to
complete the more cumbersome commercially available instruments.
Our database includes extensive competencies and
corresponding observable behaviors. Examples include planning,
delegating, motivating others, coaching, communication skills, personal
flexibility, teamwork, personal integrity, decision making, risk taking,
problem solving, passion for business, change inclination, etc.
Change begins when people recognize and accept that their current
behavior is ineffective or self-defeating. This 360° assessment process
provides detailed feedback in critical leadership skill areas. Only
feedback that is specific, comprehensive, and developmental in focus can
create this level of awareness.
This process compares observable current behavior to performance
expectations from any internal or external sources you select (360°).
This unique 360° assessment process and feedback presentation, make it
easy for participants to accept their results. They trust it. They
understand the consequences of their actions with others. They are then
more willing to create self-directed action plans to improve their
performance. And this results in greater individual and work group
Contact us to learn
how CMC can assist you in designing and conducting multirater surveys
your organization.