CMC has conducted Customer Loyalty Measurement
Studies in about one-hundred organizations. These studies provide
objective, qualitative and quantitative performance measurements from
the customer’s perspective, identifying the attributes that have the
greatest impact on customer loyalty and satisfaction.
The CMC Customer Loyalty Measurement process is
conducted to identify key customer drivers. This becomes a
critical "scorecard" for your service and quality performance. The
objective is straightforward - implement internal and external
customer-focused improvement projects to create enthusiastic and loyal
customers, all of which contributes to growing your top-line.
The process includes quantitative and qualitative
analysis. After initial contact, custom questionnaires will be
distributed to a significant cross-section of your customers. Subsequent
phone contact culminates the data-gathering phase. A detailed
report will analyze and interpret your customer’s priorities,
perceptions, and suggestions for improvement.
Our overall objective is to measure the voice of the customer so that
you can accelerate short- and long-term growth of sales. The
identification of customer perceived strengths and weaknesses, along
with the diagnosis of service problems, helps you derive
customer-specific projects that will significantly enhance your systems,
processes and business performance.
Becoming customer-driven requires you to bring the
voice of your customer to life. And it requires that this voice be
translated into managerial action that is integrated into your business
The marketplace is made up of lost accounts and potential accounts -
customers who, for a variety of reasons, choose to do business
elsewhere. Customer loyalty can be measured and analyzed to
minimize customer turnover and facilitate growth of key accounts.
Our insightful customer loyalty survey measurement and management
systems will have a positive impact on many of your business objectives.
Contact us to learn
how CMC can assist you in measuring customer loyalty within
your organization.