Change Management Consulting, Inc. (CMC) offers a
variety of professional workshops and seminars for change management and
organizational improvement presented by certified
instructors with years of real world experience. The curriculum is
customized to fit your needs. Training can be onsite or at a local
facility. And we guarantee measurable results, something no other
training firm does.
No two
companies are alike. That's why
CMC places emphasis on training that satisfies your
unique needs. We take your distinct circumstances into
account, while ensuring that your people receive thorough,
professional training that contributes to bottom line
Available courses, workshops and seminars are:
Advanced Facilitator Seminar (3
Becoming a Change Agent (5 Days)
High-Impact Consulting (3 Days)
Managing Organizational Change (2
Working Together—Managing
Diversity (1 Day)
How to Become a Successful
Consultant (5 Days)
Discovering Diversity (1 Day)
Indra ©
- Relationship Styles (1 Day)
Plus, we are experts in obtaining
public funding assistance
for our clients. CMC has helped countless clients acquire
financial aid for training through local, state and federal funding
programs. And we have never had an application denied!
Contact us today for training details.